Richard Poole - Ceramicist & Platform Manager

Born in the UK, I spent much of my childhood in the diverse landscapes of Zimbabwe and Seychelles, experiences that enriched my appreciation for unique global aesthetics. My professional life began in 2001 in software engineering, and in which I work full time as a Platform Manager.

My adventure with clay began in 2020 through a pottery day course at Aylesford Pottery (Kent) with my wife. It was meant as a simple escape from the daily grind, but instead, it marked the beginning of a new passion. The moment I touched the clay, I felt a connection, one so powerful it felt as if it had been calling all my life, but Iā€™d only just started to listen. Compelled by this newfound passion, I bought my first wheel just two days later, and a kiln later that year. I spent the next two years playing with clay, building in skill, and sampling different styles, until finally in 2023, I discovered a series of styles that truly felt like my own.

I favour decorative pieces, with a contrast of smooth rich glaze, naked textured and often incised sections of the pot which breaks up the form. This style highlights form over function, a quality I feel we are losing touch with.

Now, I split my time creating between my home studio (which I am eager to expand), Aylesford Pottery, and The Potters Studio in Flimwell (East Sussex). My life revolves around the wheel and kiln firings; I am constantly crafting, refining, and evolving my portfolio of ceramics.