Decorative Vases - Chattering

A collection of bulbous pots glazed in a rich green, with a band of chattering texture enhanced through the use of oxides.

This collection ranges in size and function, some being purely decorative with a thin neck, and others more functional with a wider neck capable of holding a bouquet.

ChatGPT would describe these as:

β€œThe pots in the image exhibit a two-tone glaze with a notable contrast between textures. The upper section of each pot has a smooth, glossy finish in a green hue, likely achieved through a specific glazing technique. The lower section reveals a textured appearance with a wood-like grain, possibly created by using a wax resist method before glazing, or a carving technique to emulate wood texture. The juxtaposition of the green glaze and the brown, wood-like texture imparts a rustic yet refined aesthetic. The shape of the pots is elegant, with a rounded base tapering smoothly into a narrow neck, which then flares out to form a wide mouth. This design is indicative of a functional yet artistic approach to pottery, suitable for both decorative and practical purposes.β€œ


Decorative vases - dimple range